OBIČAJ "medenog meseca" kakav danas poznajemo počeo da se razvija tek u 19. veku u Britaniji.
Reč "medeni mesec" se danas koristi svakodnevno, ali mnogi ne znaju njeno istorijsko poreklo i pravo značenje. Prema ekspertu za keltske tradicije i folklor,Seren Havlei-Plovs, ovaj pojam vuče korene iz daleke prošlosti, možda još od petog veka u Evropi, prenosi Mirror.
Govoreći o tradiciji na TikToku, Seren je objasnila da termin "medeni mesec" bukvalno potiče od konzumiranja medovine – fermentisanog pića napravljenog od meda – tokom jednog lunarnog ciklusa nakon venčanja. Odatle dolazi kombinacija reči "med" i "mesec".
@hedgerow_healing 🍯🌕 HONEY MOON ORIGIN 🌕🍯 Our society is steeped in Folklore, mythology, and ancient practices which still make up a large part of our modern cultures and heritage. Most of us go through our entire lives unaware that we are carrying in traditions which are hundreds (if not thousands) of years old - and the popular honeymoon is one of them! Before Church weddings became the normality, people used to get married in many ways, such as handfasting and jumping over the fire. These were usually nature ceremonies and took place outdoors, in the land, especially at certain times of year such as Beltane and Lughnasadh. The ceremonies focused on love, fertility, and the celebration of nature. In fact Beltane is well-known as a fertility festival, as it is the height of spring and many handfasting and other wedding practices would take place on this day to reflect the symbolism of the festival. After a couple was wed, it was tradition for them to drink mead for a full moon cycle after their wedding as celebration. This can actually be traced back to the 5th century and would have taken place amongst our pagan ancestors. Interestingly, mead was thought to be an aphrodisiac and could aid in fertility - which was another reason newlyweds would drink it after their wedding. Over the years the meaning has obviously evolved and we now know it as a period that newlyweds take off together, usually as a holiday. . . . . . #honeymoon#honey#mead#handfasting#paganweddings#pagantraditions#paganmarriage#meadery#meaddrink#celticeurope#celticbritain#celtictraditions#celticmarriage#beltane#beltanecelebrations#fertility#fertilityritual#fertilityceremony#celticceremony#femininity#femaleenergy#feminine#feminineritual#love#loveceremony#beltane#pagantraditions#pagantiktok#celticfestival♬ original sound - Seren
Osim što je bila simbol novih početaka, medovina se smatrala afrodizijakom koji je, prema verovanjima, mogao da podstakne plodnost i donese sreću mladencima. Iako se ovaj običaj danas retko praktikuje, termin je opstao, menjajući značenje tokom vekova. Danas se medeni mesec odnosi na period posle venčanja kada mladenci obično odlaze na zajedničko putovanje, često u vidu luksuznog odmora - objašnjava Seren.
Zanimljivo je da je običaj "medenog meseca" kakav danas poznajemo počeo da se razvija tek u 19. veku u Britaniji. Prema časopisu Country Living, prvobitno nije bilo zamišljeno kao romantični odmor. Umesto toga, mladenci su otputovali u posetu rodbini i prijateljima koji nisu mogli da prisustvuju venčanju. Tek krajem 1800-ih, medeni mesec je počeo da poprima oblik luksuznog putovanja, koje danas simbolizuje početak zajedničkog bračnog života.